The Youngstown Option

The Youngstown Option

I was accused of agitating for merging part of the Diocese of Steubenville with Youngstown rather than Columbus. I review my writings and respond.

A Tale of Two Surveys

A Tale of Two Surveys

A group of faithful have a survey concerning merging the Diocese of Steubenville into Columbus. It is different from the Diocese’ own survey.

The Population and Job Growth Question

The Population and Job Growth Question

Bishop Monforton presented the declines in population and job growth in the 13 counties of the Diocese of Steubenville as a reason to suppress the Diocese. This just doesn't make sense with what's obviously happening in the city of Steubenville and the larger region....

"As I am honored to be your shepherd, as well as fellow Christian, together let us embark into a challenging world with the joy of the Gospel and eternal hope in Jesus Christ."


– Most Rev. Jeffrey Monforton, The Steubenville Register, September 2, 2022